Neighbourhood Watch
Saltby is part of the Neighbourhood Watch scheme, meaning we receive alerts on crime in the area from the Police which get circulated around the village to help keep everyone and their property safe.
As our Neighbourhood Watch scheme develops we hope to be able to call on the wider crime prevention advice of our local Police and to forge greater links with them to everyone’s benefit—we are even led to believe it can also have a positive effect on house insurance premiums.
If you see something suspicious, or wish to report a minor crime or concerns about crimnal activity call 101. This number can connect you to our Community Beat Team of Leicestershire Constabulary
Clearly Neighbourhood Watchis important for crime prevention, and it is not a substitute for the existing channels to the Police—therefore if you see a crime in progress or a serious road traffic accident in the village you should still call 999.
What Neighbourhood Watch and the 101 number do is make Saltby a place criminals want to avoid rather than somewhere they see as an “easy target.”
If you want updates simply like and follow the village Facebook page.
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